This blog,, was created circa. July 4th, 2009. There’s little to no history to the name ‘deathbyzaleth’, but its been my name for many many sites. If you want to know the whole story though, just ask me OTL.

Blogging came into my life in January 2007, and yes, when I could be labelled as a “young, immature noob”. I started with the blog hosting site, eBloggy. You know what, I’ll just write a timeline OTL (which is filled with posts flooding with idiocy OTL click at your own risk)
| (non-functional)
| (non-functional, but I’ve imported all my posts since this blog to my current one so just check my archives if you want to laugh e_e)
| (also non-func, blogposts in current archives)
| (ditto. but wtf hahaha lame blog url)
| (it is still up.. but there’s nothing new OTL)
| (still up, but all the posts in current archive; transition from blogger to wordpress influenced by mah babey Vivi)
| (You Are Here Lol)

As you can see, I’m a total noob.

Detailed explanation of blog title, blog posts, content, etc:

Blog Title
The title ‘like with myxomatosis’ comes from the Radiohead song ‘Myxomatosis’. As for why, I don’t really know. I just like the word myxomatosis. It refers to a disease rabbits carry btw.

Blog Post Titles
It’ll usually be something completely unrelated to the post, usually something like part of a quote, phrase, song lyrics or titles and the like. If something like “ROFLMAO” comes up, it means my brain was mushy the day I wrote that post.

Blog Posts
I bitch. A lot.

I usually blog about life, my problems (ahaha so narcissistic), school, and other shit (philosophy too heheh). If you’re bored you can always clicky the exit button of your web browser. :3

So while you’re here… have fun I guess.

2 Responses to “2. About”

  1. retroelectric Says:

    Blog Posts
    I bitch. A lot.

    Heh heh heh understatement of the decade y’all -annoying-

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