Campfire's burning out

June 29, 2009


Sorry, I’m just high.

First day of school! Quite slacky (LOL) today, IMO. Since most of us didn’t know our timetables and shizz.

I spent my time going to school listening to Glaring Dream – KINYA on repeat (don’t ask) and Cast No Shadow – Oasis O_O I dunno, I felt like blasting those songs. Oh, and I Lust You – Neon Neon (don’t ask plz LOL)

You and I carry on strenuously, carrying the burden of publicity

Oops. Lol. I just like the beat of I Lust You (… its not sensual as the song title suggests 8D, more of a techno)

Anyway when I reached school there were 257625387256387236 teachers wearing masks at the porch asking if we had a fever and shizz, and I understand why they must do it, but aren’t 3 teachers enough? o_O I went up to class, almost tripping because I was smsing (Note to self: don’t do it again) and I almost fell in class because I was smsing -.- Meh. I chose a corner seat because I like corners :3 and then waited. Poon came and played the Campfire Song by Spongebob and some weird song that goes “C IS FOR COOKIE, GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME” which I suspect is from Sesame Street LOL. People started streaming in :D

GTY and SFD came up and some guys laughed at GTY’s hairstyle (does he like change it everyday or something lol) and SFD took the attendance. We took our temperatures and SFD collected the Travel Declaration Form.

Then first period! Art. Ms Lina and some other teacher (I forgot her name) came up and asked us to finish our Message In A Cube. We did some blind contour drawings after that, and my drawing of Aqmal strangely resembled Obama LOL.

Recess was boring. I went to disturb KY and Chester and I did some random stuff to my phone including sms (i sms too much)

Music, we introduced ourselves to the new teacher.

We all shouted “WE MISSED YOU MR WONG~~~” during Maths LOL. It was spent doing some random Maths stuff and NPPA thing.

English, we have R. Johns as our new teacher -.- Personally, I think he’s worse than Mr Tiah, because at least Mr Tiah could teach (he just needed some backbone to scold the class firmly IMO), I couldn’t understand R. Johns with that lisp/accent (I dunno what its called lol) of his. Sorry :/

Science……………………………….. I don’t feel like elaborating, same as MT. Hah.

Took an MRT home with KY and Chester :3 Blargh. Took 293 home but I’m sure you wouldn’t want to know that unless well, you want to stalk me o_O


But in the meantime, a quiz! ^^;;

1. Your ex and You
What’s this ex you’re talking about?

2. I am listening to
I Lust You -suggestive eyebrow movements-

3. Maybe I should
Get started with the nature journal thing

4. I love
Nihon desu, Fatal Frame, School, my loved ones (lol) Chester School again.

6. I don’t understand
Why do exams need to control the way we get our education.

7. I have lost my respect for
Emo people. They should die. Apparently they want to. So, die, betches.

8. I last ate
Instant noodles e_e

9. The meaning of my display name is
You mean MARCish!, Zaleth, DeathByZaleth or what? In any case they all mean that rainbows and paper would interbreed in the near future :D

10. God
Probably doesn’t exist. But I wouldn’t know. ):

11. Someday
I’ll stop homosexual discrimination? :D

12. I will always
Oh sorry LOL I’ve been listening to Detroit Metal City music. Anyway, ‘I will always’ LOVE EVERYONE including you Chester

13. Love seems to
Make people do crazy things. (I agree <3)

14. I never ever want to lose
My memories.

15. My myspace is Non-existent.

17. I get annoyed when
I am surrounded by an influx of people.

18. Parties Should be

20. Simple kisses
Are shweeet. >///<

21. Today I
Panicked @_@

22. I wish
That the world wouldn’t end @_@

01. Is your hair wet?

02. Is your cell phone right by you?
In my bag

03. Do you miss someone?
Not at this point of time. :D

04. Are you wearing chapstick?

05. Are you tired?

06. Are you wearing pajamas?
Shorts and tshirt @_@

07. Are you mad?
No, Anne would think otherwise.

08. Are you upset?

01. Recently done anything you regret?
Waking up today. e_____e

02. Ever lied?

03. Ever stuck gum under a desk?

04. Ever kicked someone?
I gotta list, but the most recent was……….. I forgot.

05. Ever tripped over your own feet?

01. Have you cursed?
Nope, not yet … FUCKING HELL oh wait screw that.

02. Have you gotten mad at someone?
Not really.

01. Is there a person who is on your mind right now?

02. Do you have any siblings?

03. Do you want children?

04. Do you smile often?
Of cozz.

05. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?

06. Do you like your handwriting?
Nope @_@

07. Are your toenails painted?

08. Are you a friendly person?

09. Who’s bed others than yours do you sleep in?
Hotel beds.

10. What color shirt are you wearing?

11. What were you doing at 7pm yesterday?

12. I can’t wait to
Get my nature journal done with, its gonna take 2 days e_e

Why do you kill?

June 28, 2009

Hi I’m back :D From Happyland. Yepyep.

So anyway, school is starting tomorrow TT^TT Which means less time for Trickster (my new addiction LOL), Fatal Frame, staying up until 3am doing random stuff and Fatal Frame (wait I already said that…)

Mehh. At least I won’t be bored anymore 8DD

Oh right, this is for Anne:

Kiryu Twins

Kiryu Twins

Thar. The Kiryu twins. Aren’t they creepily cute? :D

Random convo of the day:

Talking about Twitter
MARCish! says:
*how can someone get addicted to twitter?

retroelectric!Vivi says:
*dunno lor

MARCish! says:

retroelectric!Vivi says:
*siao liao lol

MARCish! says:
*”Just put the lagsana in the oven, waiting for it to bake (:”

retroelectric!Vivi says:

MARCish! says:
*”5 minutes of waiting for it to bake, am bored.”
*”I just washed my dog!”

retroelectric!Vivi says:
*followers: ….. phukov
*followers: -unwatch-

MARCish! says:
*”Mmm lasagna tastes nice. Wish you were here to taste it! (:”
*”Washing dishes that smell of lagsana is nasty ):”
*”Wooo I’m craving for more lagsana”

retroelectric!Vivi says:

MARCish! says:

King of Pop gone.

June 27, 2009

I woke up to the news yesterday.


I grew up listening to him and thought he was the best singer out there.

RIP Michael Jackson, and have fun moonwalking and dancing to Thriller up in the sky c:

“Hey you! Up in the sky
Learning to fly
Tell me how high
Do you think you’ll go “

Up In The Sky – Oasis.


Camp was ……………….. fun lawl.

1st Day

Reached school and waited for all eternity to get on to the buses and get ourselves to Jalan Bathera. In the meantime, our instructor (Instructor Cress <- he likes to bully me) made us play some icebreaking games! (Redundant actually, since my group comprised of my classmates lol) And I made a mistake by giving my phone to SFD for safekeeping. Gah.

Blahblahblah reached there, did usual camp stuff (like getting into our groups, orientation etc). Next, we did the CRC (Confidence Rope Course aka high elements) and Rock Climbing! I didn't want to 'climb the rock' so I just sat there and looked at people climbing. Then we did the CRC, which again I skipped, but helped Cress (i.e. be his anchorman, since he was the belayer and stuff.) Slacked around the various elements. Yup. Showered, had dinner, then played Kidnap. I had fun doing the stupid "sit-on-each-other-and-sing" task because we sang a really retarded song XD (PIA PIA PIA PIA PIA!) 2nd place for Kidnap. Had supper, slept. Or, tried to. Slept at 3am =.=

2nd Day

Had a rude awakening at 5am by some itchiness XD There was swimming sounds coming from the sea next to my bunk. I freaked out and thought it was a monster or something LOL. I fell asleep at 5.15 AM and woke up at 6.30 AM. I slacked in the bunk for another 15 minutes before going down to brush teeth. Then we assembled at the canteen for breakfast. The beehoon was white and tasteless =.= Oh well. Changed and went for kayaking! The bouyancy test was fun ‘cuz Jean kept shouting because she was scared XDDD Kayaking was fun.

Went back to shore, showered and changed. Met at our bunk and thought we could slack but Cress said we had to come up with a skit/dance/singalong for the campfire. We spent at least 45 mins choosing the song and settled for SexyBack XD Then we went for lunch and back to the bunk for rehearsal. We couldn’t dance in time so we settled for a skit (making fun of Uncle Goh and Ms Shanthi by acting out their supposed ‘marriage’ XD)

Went for abseiling and the zip line. To be honest, I was really afraid of abseiling. I left it to fate and just went up (while Cress bullied me again =.=) and abseiled down. It wasn’t scary at all o_o just painful. The rope was D< I wanted to go to the zip line but there was no time. Went back and showered, rehearsed more and went for dinner. After dinner we had the campfire. It was lol-worthy. Chief Mojo dancing XD Cress asked us to do his own 'dance' (dubbed, 'THE FINGER!' which just includes moving your index finger left and right). We went up for our performance, and the teachers were laughing so hard XD Mr Hafiz asked Ms Shanthi to sit next to Uncle Goh LOL. More campfire stuff and shizz. Had supper (I didn't) and Cress debriefed us after. He bullied me again =.=

3rd Day

Woke up at 6am. Slacked for 1 hour before reporting at the parade square with our bags. Had breakfast, and the nasi lemak, for once, wasn’t tasteless! It was quite nice tbh. Did area cleaning, but I didn’t have to because I was taking care of Cress’ phone 8D And he bullied me AGAIN because Brian took the phone away from me. =.= Had prize giving and shizz. Then went home! YAY!

-sighs- I b tired nao. Lolz.



Before I forget, I would like to say that Cress is teh best instructor EVAR!!1one!11!!shift+1!11one!!1

Oh right, CRESS TAN HOCK CHUAN (haha yes I’m sabotaging you, don’t kill me.) I cannot seem to find your facebook D<


June 7, 2009

DX insomnia does kill. Maybe I’m just excited for the camp tomorrow. Lulz. And since I’m bored I’mma talk about random things. Like how I like Tsukiko Amano, or Fatal Frame, or Junjou Romantica, or Tsubasa, or Kuroshitsuji. But that would seriously kill me cuz my data transfer bill would explode XD. Oh well! Bai. Am gonna miss you guys on my 3 day absence! Yes that means you too, Anne. And you too, Glenn. -.- Mmkay ciao

Old wives' tales

June 6, 2009

My dad used to tell me that if I didn’t wash my feet after coming back home from wherever, ghosts from outside would follow me everywhere and kill me in my sleep.

I used to believe it until I was 10.

This kind of tales that parents spin to make us do what they want us to do amuse me significantly. Lol.

Anyway, the holidays have been pretty much boring, to say the least. D< Someone needs to drag me out~

Lol, got a new phone, N95 8GB. Lulz. Am currently loading it with all the music I have.

Blah. Nothing much to update on. I missed band today BECAUSE I OVERSLEPT. GOSH. CAN SOMEONE KILL ME NOW?

Sec 2 camp in 2 days! ~_~ Am excited.

Moar updaets latah.

Tagged by Jo 8D
1. Do you have secrets?
No, I don’t -.-

2. Starbucks or Coffee Bean?
I dunno really, I’d say neutral. I like them both equally XD

3. Do you enjoy going to school?
Surprisingly yes.

4. Do you prefer guys with hot looks or with good character?
Both :O :O

4. Do you prefer girls with hot looks or with good character?
Both :O :O

5. Who do you love the most?
Let’s see..

*20 hours late*

Got nothing.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
I think that it would be the best if they both existed in tandem.

7. Who is more important? Lovers or best friends?
Best friends! XD

8. The person you like is already attached, what would you do?
Do what I do now lorr. ‘S not like its gonna kill you right?
-planning assassination-

9. What made you smile today?
Melissa (sister’s friend). She was seriously funny XD

“I’m now going to poke you with this needle to sedate you. It’s very long and very thick. I’m now going to poke you in that place. Any second now.”

10. What usually makes you pissed off?
People. XD

11. How would you see yourself in 10 year’s time?
Sitting on rainbows.

12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
Refer to No. 5.

13. What is the most important thing in life?
Life itself.

14. Are you single or attached?
Platonically attached to Chester Single

15. What is your favourite colour?
All the pastel colours, black, grey, white, crimson, red.

16. What is your wish?
My wish? For me to live as happily as possible. (YES I’m being selfish.)

17. Have you wondered what will happen after life? Are you afraid of it?

If I were to answer this question fully it would take hours to read.

As I always say, “die then die lor.” That’s why you rarely see me emo.

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?
One of my weak spots, I’m a softie. I melt whenever someone apologises.

19. Which do you prefer? Spending more time with family members or the close/understandable ones?
Close/understandable ones.

20. 5 people you’re gonna tag:
You, You, You, You, You.

Boredom 101

June 2, 2009

You are a Romantic Seme!

A true romantic, you’re safest sticking with a partner who is gentle and can appreciate your mature, loving ways and protective nature. Most often found with a handful of roses and wine, you are committed to your partner and their happiness, which makes you a perfect match for the Innocent Uke, who you will dedicate yourself to and lavish with gifts and attention.

Most compatible with: Innocent Uke, Clueless Uke
Least compatible with: Badass Uke, Dramatic Uke

Quiz from

-is laughing ass off-


June 1, 2009

Just came back from a nice day at Pasir Ris Park with my class 8D

It was supposed to be a beach-clean up but we just picked up random stuff and slacked. XD

My group were Kuang Yu and Chester o 3o We went to the far end of the beach, where no one cleans. We saw a Sand Dollar (we named it Samantha), a dog’s footprints (we named the dog Kenneth) and some random rotten organic matter (i.e. rotten curry, squid, pomfret and a beheaded catfish) and some other stuff. Lulz. We picked up wine and liquor bottles, slippers and Lego pieces XD.

Then we went back to slack. But they wanted a drink so I waited at the bench for them, and in the meantime I finished Zavius’ concept. Lol. I saw a butterfly and chased after it (I love butterflies >_>) and I almost walked into sea XDDD

They came back and we decided to go to the playground. We played at the spider web (the rope thing) and the playground itself. We chased each other like crap. I wanted to sit on the swing and AMAZINGLY it can support me O: I swung while Chester pushed me (LOL very gay right) and stuff.

We went to the Teletubby-esque hill, and I climbed it like a monkey. Everyone was like “:O OMG MARC LOL SO PRO CLIMB NIA” XDD It comes naturally, with the Filipino blood in my and all (meaning I’m a tough guy 8D) and then slid down the hill which resulted in a dirty PE shirt.

Then we had to go ~_~ on the way Chester took my PSP and did random stuff to it. Walked to the interchange, bought bubble tea, but I didn’t have money. Chester lent it to me and I said “… I love you so much” and he said “Same same.” I went “D’awww I’m so touched” XDDD (ITS STILL INNOCENT FUN K. ಠ_ಠ)

Mmkay~ Now I’m off the Galv’s chalet~ won’t be back until tomorrow! Baiye!~