Champagne Supernova

April 30, 2009

Today was the start of the exams, the exams proclaiming its existence with MT and English Paper 1.

And truly, it was horribly done.

I didn’t give a shit about MT (as usual) and just did what I felt like doing. I’m probably gonna fail anyway.

But for English.. *sigh*. The topics they give out are really, really, really, too shallow for me.

1. Talk about an event that brings back both good and bad memories to you.
2. Friends
3. Describe the best moment in your life
4. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Do you agree?
5. “Money is the most important thing in the world?” Discuss

I think I at least spent half an hour deciding on what I should write about.

In the end I shrugged it off and went on to Situational Writing, which, again, was screwed up. I didn’t know whether they were hinting towards informal or formal, so I went with my instincts and wrote a formal letter. Kudos to me if I actually get it right.

Back to Continuous Writing. I chose “Friends” as a last resort because

a) I don’t like writing personal recounts
b) I wanted to write that the day I was born was the best moment in my life, to actually stray away from the mainstream thought of “winning an award is the best moment in my life lol” or the like, but I shrugged it off.
c) You fucking want me to write an exposition about MONEY?! NO THANKS BYE.

So I wrote an incompetent essay about friendship making the world go round.

1/2 hour to the end of the paper, and I was writing yet another (but good) essay on the back of my question paper, relating to Rain. I stopped at the 5th paragraph and wrote “WRITER’S BLOCK LARH ಠ_ಠ”. Then, I started doodling so random comic about cloud cannibalism (which should happen IRL, IMO.) and how a thundercloud ate a raincloud. (Yes I know I’m random o 3o)

The exam finally ended and I went out fearing that I wouldn’t be the top in my class for English for SA. I shrugged it off (once again) and left it to fate.

I walked with Chester to the bus interchange and we talked about random shit (like where I sat in the morning before school started, or how Wesley was being lame by smsing me “lol lame u walk so slow”)

At the bus interchange we talked about more random shit. 69 finally came (thats what she said >_>) and we sat together and crapped around more (ks, I need a new hobby XD). He started some thing between us, that we should say “Hi” to every bus we passed along the road. So ya. XD. Outside Temasek Poly, some people went up, and there was this girl who walked past us while buttoning up the top part of her shirt (the one nearest to her boobs were unbuttoned >_>) and I said “Wow”. Chester laughed and said “Walao eh, you arhh” and we both laughed.

What a nice way to end a day of hell.

On a side note, I feel damn suicidal. Why? Because of the fucking recession. I have barely anything to eat at home, save for eggs and rice >_> Well, I should thank the higher power (if there is one) for actually giving me some things to eat. Blargh.

Oh, and retro babey, don’t worry. I won’t go into RP. And fuck RP D< Make you suffer only. -hug-

Tagged by: Jo-sama
Her pick: Syaoran Li

1. Do you like this character?
Yup. I like it how he changes from “oh-sakura’s-my-rival-so-i-should-hate-her” to “i-care-of-sakura-because-she-cares-for-me”. His attitude really manipulates the plot, IMO. And his so-called crushes for Yukito are comical XD

2. What name/s do you call this character?
“Syaoran-kun” but since I don’t want to sound like some fangirl, I simply call him Syaoran

3. What image-color do you associate with this character?
Brown… ’cause of his hair and eye colour…

4. What image-song do you associate with this character?
If you mean song..
Kirinai Aitsu (Dunno if I spelt it correctly)

5. What blood-type do you think this character is?
I dunno XDDD probably B

6. Of all of the titles that this character appears in, what character do you like to put this character with?

7. What would you want to say to this character?

8. What do you want to do with this character?
Thank him for taking care of Sakura? O:

9. Please choose 5 friends with your choice of character.
Retroelectic – MAH OC AYDEN >D

Rather than whine about superficial problems and sum them up with a blog post bearing a clichéd title (she’s under my [Qiaonanites!] link category), I post actual stuff that people want to read. Right?

Wrong? Oh, really? Okay then.

I don’t really feel like talking about today, because frankly it was a bad day.

So yeah. :/

Let’s just say the next person who asks me to excuse them on a crowded bus (when there’s visibly no space) and with their tone getting more insistent by the second will get a massive uppercut from me. Thanks.

Me *during DNT*: -needs glue and sees Chester with some- Eh Chester can give me your white white sticky sticky substance?
Chester: .. Okay.. -hands glue-

You were behind.

April 25, 2009

Guess God Thinks I’m Abel
By Oasis

I could be your lover,
You could be all mine.
We go on for ever,
‘Till the end of time.
You could be my best friend
Stay up all night long
You could be my railroad
We go on and on.

Let’s get along
Theres nothing here to do
Let’s go find a Rainbow
I could be wrong
But what am i to do
I guess god thinks i’m Abel.

You could be my enemy
I guess theres still time
I get round to loving you
Is that such a crime.

Let’s get along
Theres nothing here to do
Let’s go find a Rainbow.
I could be wrong
But what am I to do
I guess god thinks I’m Abel.

No-one could break us
No-one could take us
If they tried

No-one could break us
No-one could take us
If they tried

No-one could break us
No-one could take us
If they tried

Come along,
Let’s make it tonight.

On a side note, I love all of you for being there for me :D (Above song dedicated to all of you XD)

Happy birthday Anne, you noob. XD


Uncle Goh: So where do humans get their food?
Me: Supermarket.
Uncle Goh: -rolleyes-

Down we go, wheeee.

April 22, 2009

What Mr Wong said during Maths struck me real hard.

And the result is the revelation that I have not been studying for anything.

I mean, seriously, you have never seen me studying my entire life, I’ve gone through every Primary school exam without studying, and still pass with flying colours. Last year, for my EOY, I didn’t study. And yet, I still clinched the 15th position in class. What could have happened if I actually studied? 1st maybe?

Oh well.

Italy's Duck Ambassador.

Italy's Duck Ambassador.


Play that song

April 21, 2009

Since my CCA’s the Tampines Wind Ensemble (School Band), I think its apt to talk about my passion for music.

Music has always held its thrall on me.

No matter what genre – Pop, Rock, Worship, Jrock, Jpop or otherwise, it has a special place in my life.

Being a somewhat amateur musician myself (I play the tuba… and hopefully I’ll be learning the ocarina in the future… XD) I’ve always appreciated music, or how I call it, pleasurable sound.

How beautiful melodies can be created with such simple notes, or how different musical instruments can meld and compliment each other to sound simply ethereal – that’s what I love about music. Rebellious, peaceful, sensual or upbeat, music can create any mood.

Whenever I successfully play a whole piece of music, I’d feel elated. Achievement, that I would feel. Even more when I memorise a whole score.

Sure, it may be simple for me to play it alone, but what about as a part in a whole band? It would sound complicated but harmonious at the same time, different sounds coming together in a song.

Oh well, after that paragraph I can write no more. My passion for music is just so much that I can’t put it in words.



April 18, 2009

Today was my school’s Carnival-cum-Speech Day.

It was a jolly affair, but really boring.

I was late, by 15 minutes. Heh. I stood outside my classroom because the door was locked. I was slacking when Davin came and I disturbed him :D He kept running away from me before Ms Shanti asked us to go down.

Davin and I then went to our class’ stall. Yan Ru and the others were setting up our “2E5 traditional game aka My Aiming Rox!”

Then I met up with Kuang Yu and we decided to sit at the stone tables near the canteen. Doodled a bit on my sketchbook before Chester came. We doodled more and then decided to go to the MPH because it was getting hot.

We passed by our stall and I yoinked some sweets before heading to the MPH.

At the MPH, we sat next to the stage. I saw one of those gymnastic mat things and so I ran and jumped on it. Chester and KY followed soon after. We then went back to the stage as suddenly a throng of 2N2 students suddenly jumped on the mat and were disturbing us. We hung around at the stage before Chester said he wanted to ‘walkwalk’ and so I followed him.

We went to the main carnival space and he bought some ice cream. I didn’t buy any as I did not have enough money. >_> We walked back to the MPH and we decided it was too risky (some guys were playing soccer and the balls were flying everywhere. Yes balls.) and so we moved to the General Office area. I suggested we sit at the gazebo, and so we did. The heat in there was unbearable, comparable to a sauna, as stated by KY. It also made me sleepy. We idled there until Chester decided it was too hot.

We moved back to our stall, and I yoinked a lollipop XD. Uncle Goh then came to our stall to try his hand out at our game, and he was a damn pro. Almost all of the bottles he threw landed inside the baskets. We cheered on him as he got his prize.

I was sucking on my lollipop when I spotted KY and Chester sitting at the volleyball court, and so I joined them. We crapped around some more. I sighted a butterfly and went all “OOH BUTTERFLY!”

Then Mr Hafiz said we could leave. So yeah, we did.

That was the closure of an interesting but boring (YAY OXYMORON) day. :D


Chester (after seeing gazebo and hearing my suggestion): Wow, that’s so romantic.


April 15, 2009

It’s official. I have no inspiration to start writing a new oneshot/drabble/whateverliteraryfictionfanficterm.

I’ve started on two pieces, entitled “Rain” and “Art”. The former would be about how rain is beautiful yet deadly, and the latter is about how Art has invaded my life (in a good way, of course).

And the most I’ve done is 2 paragraphs for both.

My writing process usually begins with me being struck with inspiration, be it person, place, thing, word and/or feeling. Such examples are ‘Nostalgia’ (one of my twincest fics >_>) and “A Macabre Lullaby” (FF3 [NOT FINAL FANTASY. FATAL FRAME.] fanfic). Then what would ensue is me thinking up of random sentences related to the topic/title.

Brainstorming is what follows soon after, usually me staring in to empty space, chewing my pen’s tip and imagining tip-tap sounds. I would become unresponsive until, of course, someone pushes me out of my chair (happened once), smacks my face (happened once) or when Chang Wei pokes me (happened a gazillion times). I’ve once been caught ‘brainstorming’ during a Maths class before, and I got one helluva scolding.

Finally! My pen touches the foolscap paper and I begin writing like never before! Word after word would be created by the few strokes of the tip, and if I was interrupted I would lose my rhythm. Opening my dictionary would be a minute-by-minute affair and my hands would be in a flurry.

All this happens when I’m writing.

The finished piece would always be the fruit of my labour, I look at it and smile. I feel achievement. I would be consumed in a euphoric daze.

But now, all I do is stare into space, look at my paper, look at my pen, and sigh. I flip through my dictionary, and still, nothing comes to me. I mentally cry out in desperation before keeping all my materials. Writer’s block, they call it.

And I hate it so much.


April 14, 2009

Alright. I won’t blog about today, except for the fact I signed up for an inter-school Super Smash Bros. Brawl tournament.

That incessant nagging feeling that strikes me everyday, the one where my mind tells me that my blog is full of nothing but update after update. Usually about my boring day in school. I mean, doesn’t it bore you to read about what I experience every single second of my life? Oh well.

I woke up at 6am as usual and took my breakfast. I got ready and took 69 to the interchange and then took 67 to school. When I reached school I sat at my usual spot and took out Resident Evil: Underworld to read. Then we had flag raising, and the announcements. I heard the announcement for the SSBB tournament and decided to sign up. After the things that ensued, I went up to class. We did the corrections for Chinese and then went through to workbook in Science. After recess we went to the DNT room where we did our Design Journals. After that we went up to class for English and CME. There was a relief teacher for CME. After school I ate lunch and went up to the Band room to practice the School Song and National Anthem. We did some rhythm training and shizz. After Band I brought home my mouthpiece to practice, which I am doing now. I took 69 back home.

This is basically how my life progresses day after day. Boring, ain’t it? My readers wouldn’t like me to abuse this hunka information to talk about the mundane life of a student. Sure, its a way to make this junksite actually look decent, but is it worth it? I’m probably scaring away anonymous readers by talking and talking and going on about school and whatnot.

So yeah. From now on I’ll only blog about school if necessary. All my other blog posts would be about events such as SWEET RAEV PARTEHS or field trips (interesting ones). Every once in a while I would reflect on my life on this blog. Uh huh.


I’m tired.

Due to the really fulfilling (somewhat) trip to Pulau Semakau!

Okay, so when I got back home yesterday I said I didn’t want to sleep (.. because I had to report to school by 4:15 AM) but I did. I slept from 2 AM ~ 3 30 AM. When I woke up I panicked and rushed out of the house, fearing that I would be late.

The roads are nice and empty at 4 AM XD Even the taxi driver could speed without anyone knowing. He also asked me why I was going to school so damn early in the morning.

I reached school, and I replied Xin Lan’s sms, only to see her standing just in front of me. What a waste of 5 cents XD Due to me rushing out of the house, I forgot to take my camera. FFFF. What a freaking waste =.=

So anyway I hung around there until Uncle Goh asked us to board the bus, heading towards Marina South Pier. It was gonna be a half-hour long journey. So yeah. I sat next to Poon and he crapped around (as usual).

When we finally reached there I was assigned to the Great-Billed Heron group. Along with Pei Zhen, Evangeline, Yun Chieh, Khai, Andrew, Kuang Yu, Kenneth, Davin and Bryan. Bryan was a spoilsport as usual. >_>;;

So we boarded the ferry. Our guide, Eunice, said that we should sit on the top deck, which we did, and we were lucky we did. XD I mean, a ferry cruise at 5 am in the morning. You look up and you see a pristine night sky with a full moon and many twinkling stars. It’s a rare sight here in Singapore, due to the intense light pollution. I went to the side of the deck and just savoured the wind blowing onto my face. I don’t know who said it, but..

Anonymous: Marc.. its kinda romantic here..”

I was like wut. Then Pei Zhen and Co came, so I said “EXTRA EARLY GOOD MORNING PEI ZHEN!” and shizz. Then they started disturbing me so I said,


And the retorted with “I LOVE YOU TOO” XD

Soon, we had to leave the wind and night sky because we reached Pulau Semakau. It’s actually a landfill-cum-leisure area. We had some briefing before setting out for our 1/2 hour 5km walk.

During the walk Rachel remarked that it was like Silent Hill Origins, as we were walking on a long stretch of deserted road, just like Travis in the first part of the game.

Because I was bored, I pantomimed the running of Miku/Mio/Rei (The heroines of Fatal Frame)’s running. It’s like.. real ridiculous XD Even I could run faster than them.

Then we finally reached the Intertidal area.. but we had to walk through a jungle first. Some guy thought that Mas Selamat would pop out -.-

Intertidal area… tiring! We walked and walked and walked. Sometimes, Eunice would say facts like “If you break off the legs of a starfish, it would just grow back.” So I acted smart and said..

Me: Then break one… IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE!

I constantly said “IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE!” (like “LETS MOVE THE ROCK… IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE!) at every fact she said (and could do.. but wouldn’t dare) until she got fed up and said “You’re using the name of science wrongly lah!” XD

Then we went to see the resident Giant Clam. Kenneth wanted to poke it but Eunice didn’t allow it.. so I said.. (you guessed it)

Me: Then poke it… IN THE NAME OF-
Eunice: *looks at me*

There was another one.. but I forgot XD

Then I kept hurrying her up because I was tired and all. XD So we hurried up and went back to the main road. A minibus came to pick us up and ship us off the the southern most point of Singapore (that’s open to the public). We slacked around there for awhile before heading back to the Visitor Centre for a presentation in which I nodded off twice. >_>

After the presentation, we had our snacks and all. I brought some cup noodles so I cooked them in the pantry, but unfortunately the water wasn’t hot enough and we had to rush. So I ate the noodles when they were half-cooked. It’s surprisingly tasty XD After I finished I hung around outside.

The ferry finally came and we all headed back home! :D I listened to my PSP while watching the sea spray (is that what you call it? O: ) foaming and the edges of the waves created by the ferry. I nodded off soon after but Ju Eun (stupid Kimchi/fermented cabbage) had to laugh so damn loud everyone complained. So yeah.

We took the same bus back, a relatively boring ride because I slept. Yeah.

‘Twas a fulfilling day. :D

On an angrier note,

To whoever stole my $98 Adidas shoes yesterday night,

Fuck you. I spent my hard-earned money on that pair of genuine Adidas shoes and you had to be your stupid self and succumb to temptation. You must be real proud of yourself, eh, you twat? You immature soul. I bet you’re as poor as the lowlife scum living on the surfaces of drain water and crap. -sigh- I swear, when I find you, I’m going to maim you severely, dig out your eyeballs using a teaspoon, stuff pencils down your ears, stuff a chainsaw up your ass and then feed the end product to some dog. Oh wait, I would be committing animal cruelty. Heck, I’ll just incinerate you and dump you off at Semakau. I’m sure you’ll enjoy staying there.. forever.

Fuck you and your family,

Uh huh. Ciao.

I love this badge so much XD

I love this badge so much XD

Shakira Dance XD

April 11, 2009

To sum up the day: awesome.

I went to Galv’s (..again) for SWEET RAEV PARTEH X 4 (because Bry was back in town :D)

It started off with me waking up from a sex dream involving Riku weird dream. I slacked around for awhile before setting off for Galv’s.

I took a taxi there, and in the taxi Bry called me. He asked where I was, and I said Galv’s place. It turns out he was there XD I heard Galv say “HAPPY TOWN!” in the BG. LOLOLWUT.

When I reached there it was boring, ’cause Veron wasn’t there yet. So we waited around until she came :D She bought a can of whipped cream to eat XDD.

We decided to play Brawl soon after, and we did. My skills were rusty. In the middle of our match I felt like some whipped cream, so I asked Veron to spray some on my hand. When I was putting my hand near my mouth to eat it.. guess what. Galv smacked my hand and the whipped cream got smeared all over my face XDDDD. It was tasty though.

We had whipped cream fights after. Bry and Veron were fighting about who was gonna get sprayed. I joined in the fun and kept shoving the nozzle into each other’s faces. What ensued was completely hilarious XDD. Galv’s dog, Gigi, suddenly came up to me and grabbed my leg. SHE STARTED HUMPING IT WUT XDDD

Veron, Galv and Bry were speechless and then they started to ROFL. XD THAT WAS SRSLY RANDOM.

Then I went to the com. Nicholas (Riku) stared to sexually tease me >_> So I played along. Hee. Then Gary (Veron’s bro) wanted to use the com, so I relented. I went to Galv’s room to watch him play Gundam.. something. There was this part where there was a giant meteor heading towards Earth, and all the Gundams tried to stop it. The Gundams were tiny compared to the meteor…. so..

Galvin: It kinda reminds of fertilisation

So yeah. XD We ordered pizza soon after. So uhh, yup.

Then Galv’s mom came back, and she went Alt+3232 and asked us to leave.

Downstairs, Veron still had some whipped cream, so she sprayed it on some cars. We decided to go to KFC. We went there.. and halfway through Galv called me saying that I forgot my camera. So up I went. When I got down again we went to KFC. I ordered a Zinger meal, and I conclude that the Zinger meal > McSpicy meal. I stuffed myself with Cheese Fries. :D

Then we were bored. We went to the basketball court area to have some fun. We played truth or dare. My first dare was to do the Shakira dance. XDDDDDD So.. I just wiggled against the wall. o 3o. The next dare was for me to do a real-life undulating Edward Cullen against the wall XDDDDDDDDDD. I shan’t elaborate ’cause its a personal memory. XD OH YA I VERON INVENTED A SEXY DANCE XDDDD.

Then some Malay guys came and disturbed us >_> So we all decided to go home. I begged Bry to bring me home.. so he just gave me 10 bucks and left XDD

And then I’m here o 3o

Oh well. Pulau Semakau in 4 hours! :D