Luorescentfay Dolescentaay

February 26, 2010

Ihay uysgay, ‘MIay ypingtay histay niay igpay atinlay otay akemay eelfay xclusiveeay, OLLay.

Ellway, ifelay’s eenbay oringbay, eeingsay saay Iay avehay otnay eenbay oinggay otay choolsay, utbay tsiay kayoay, ‘MIay oinggay extnay eekway. Eheheeay.

Osay, ow’shay ifelay?

Lsoaay, romfay ownay, ‘llIay ebay singuay igpay atinlay otay, ouyay nowkay, ensorcay omesay ordsway, kayoay?

Like air traffic streams

February 19, 2010

Aight. Sorry for rage post below, and sorry to Anne for raging on your tagboard. <3 Really sorry kay ;-;

You can choose to read the rest yes, or you can choose not to. c:

Read the rest of this entry »


February 19, 2010

The next person to ask whether I’m fuckin’ okay or not, I’ll fucking smash your fucking cunt/dick with a fucking hammer and cave your face in and rip out your spinal cord, kay?

Fuck labels, fuck the word ‘misanthrope’, fuck what you all think of me, I’m myself. If you ever fucking label me, I’ll take a fucking cleaver and fucking cave your head in, kay? But I’ll make sure I won’t kill you, the best is after that. I’ll push your sorry state off a building into a busy road, and still make sure you’re alive after that, and maim you slowly while you’re still fucking conscious. Yes, take a hint, I’m a jerk, and I hate you all.

Strawberry Glitter

February 17, 2010


1. If I’m currently ignoring you (you know, if like I don’t reply even though I’m obviously at the computer) it means I don’t like you currently and you should stop bugging me until I cool down mofoka. (YES I’M SELFISH GO FIGURE)


3. Apathy is the bane of society >:U Along with celery and subcultures

4. My deviantart to-do list depresses me. A lot. T_T


6. I can’t believe there are art prodigies such as mmmira and KizzyBlue (YE IM ADVERTISING U SHUTAP) and MORE (like teh other 2 gotchis LOL i fail in art as a gotchi) when this shitville called Singapore is so fucking art deprived IT MAKES ME WANT TO CRY T_T GAAAAHHHHH

7. I’m sick with the flu. Oh god why.



February 14, 2010


And Gong Xi Fa Cai :3

Fluorescent Adolescent

February 9, 2010

I dare you all to look at my blog header for at least a minute without being disgusted, going ‘wtf Marc’ or developing homophobic inclinations. :P

Welll I wanted my new blog title to be Fluorescent Adolescent so I chose a, surprise surprise!, yaoi picture cuz I’M HORNY LIKE THAT -fapfapfap-


School’s a bore (like as if I have been attending regularly LOL.) Well yeah but I usually stay in the library. I just hate my class :/ They’re selfish, self-centred bigots with no sensitivity at all. Yeah, not a very fair stereotype because there have been some that have showed genuine concern for me but mehh.

After all, I AM a misanthrope.

CNY’s coming along, I’m not looking forward to it :/ I’m only looking forward to the holidays, not the money or the bai nian (LOL JALAN RAYA CINA) part. ‘Cuz my relatives will usually picspam everywhere when I’m so darn fricking UGLY. Heh.

Other than that.. not really much to say :3 Ciaooo then

Idiot, Go Home!

February 5, 2010

I started watching Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu (Idiots, Tests and Summoned Beings) the other night, mainly because I chanced upon it on, and it was under Comedy so what the heck :P.

It’s art style, animation and heck, everything about it from the look to the OP, it reminds me strongly of Super Paper Mario (<3), and that's one of the reasons I love it. XD. Hideyoshi's my favourite character, what a sofa king pretty bishonen, plus he shows up in random girl clothing throughout the show XD

It's currently ongoing so only up til the 5th episode is subbed and released to the Internet, I recommend it for people who want to have a light and upbeat anime rather than watching something dark like Higurashi or Umineko.

Other than that, I've begun thinking what would happen if I met the awesome people I met online. XD Epicnezz.

It’s kinda funny, really.

I know people who would commit suicide over something trivial, I know a person who keep moping about stupid problems like not doing well in studies (go study and stop moping), not having enough money (go save money and stop moping), not having that one guy you love (stop dreaming and stop moping, bitch) and shit like that, and proclaiming that she should have never been born. I know people who would give their lives up over a simple screw up.

If you don’t want them, give them to me. I fought for my life when I was young. I lost my ‘soulmate’ (not really soulmate anymore eh? Funny.) because I’m sofa king annoying and probably irritated the fuck out of her so much that there’s a 3/4 chance that she hates me right about now, I could drop dead any time soon, according to the doctor, I haven’t been to school for a month because of a stupid reason and I’m going through worse shit than you will EVER go through.

Yet, I still can smile and say that it’s gonna be alright.

It could be cowardice or indifference on my part though, or I’m just bottling shit up, whatever. I’m not saying that its not okay to be upset about your problems but really? Grow a little backbone alright?

In other news.. wait there isn’t any other news. I have been glorifying myself and a few of my friends too much lately that I’ve begun to forgot we’re just normal humans. >_>

And I’ve been using Japanese to cover up any English words that I don’t know how to say, shit, I’m being less fluent in the English language GOD FORBIDDDDD.

Heheheh and I’d like you all to meet my manslag, Katie, she is a vry good manslag k. Mmm <3 -stroke ear- /pedo

When I lose something I always try to ignore it and substitute it with other things, but in the end it doesn’t work and it ends up hurting me more.

Yeah, 1st stupid emotional fucking idiotic blog post of this fucking year. And I thought all my problems were gone with 2009.

Sometimes I glorify myself too much until I delude myself from realising that I’m no better than an average human. But fuck it, other people HAVE to be worse than me right?


Mardy Bum

February 2, 2010

Only until the last fish has been caught
Only until the last river has been poisoned
Only until the last tree has been felled
Only then will they realize that money cannot be eaten.