November 30, 2008

-smiles creepily-

That is all.

(Yes, Glenn, I brushed my teeth.)

Edit: I’ve finally finished Halo 3 on Easy! :O And if I’m not wrong…. MASTER CHIEF IS DEAD?!

Edit again: Oh wait, he’s not dead. He’s in a cryonic sleep. :O

<3 Marc/Zal

November 28, 2008


I tried to control my blogging because…. I’ve been writing entries everyday. Unlike last time, I didn’t write at all. zzz.

But, I failed.

Anyway, I herd euu liek mudkipz.

Yuh, I’ll be talkin’ ’bout Pokemon now.

First things first, 1st Gen Pokemon > All the other Gen Pokemon.
I just realised I threw like…. TWENTY (20) 1ST SEASON POKEMON VCDS WTF!
-smacks self-
I only managed to keep one, which is the episode about Ditto and Imitae Mansion AND Pikachu’s Goodbye.
(God, my breath smells like banana :o)

Ahh, watching those two episodes last night was, was, was so nostalgic in a way. Like relieving your childhood memories.

(I want the whole first season T_T I didn’t watch them all)

(Yes, I’m leaving a line after every sentence to make this blog post longer XD)

Anyway, so I guess my quote now is ”Gotta rape watch them all!”

Lame, I know. Shut up Glenn. –“

So uh, bye, I guess.

<3 Marc/Zal

Edit: I just took a Pokemon quiz and the results were that I am a Blissey. Wtf. -.-
Once again, shut up Glenn. –” (Hey that rhymes)

November 25, 2008

2 more endings to post up :D This is the ‘Promise’ ending, where both Mio and Mayu survive.

Anyway, I feel groggy. And Glenn is an idiot. Just look:

marc; says:
oh right, im watching fatal frame 2 endings :o
glenn; says:
wanna watch your ending? :o
marc; says:

PSHHHHHHHHHHHH. *smacks glenn for the upteenth time*

<3 Marc/Zal

November 24, 2008


*stops Caramelldansen faggotry*

Okay, so my FF:Crisis Core is torrenting now. And my FF2 Crimson Butterfly Director’s Cut refuses to be torrented. WHY TECMO? WHY? I REALLY WANNA KILL CRY AT SAE.

Anyway, here’s a tag I stolen from teh awesome Joanne.

a. Post a list of 10 fandoms.
b. Have your friends list guess your favorite character from each one.
c. When guessed, bold the line, include the character name, and write a sentence about why you like that character.

1. FATAL FRAME TWOOO PSHHHH. Its Mio, obviously.
2. Resident Evil Degeneration. CLAIRE REDFIELDDDDD.
3. Otaku/Anime :D Cardcaptor Sakura >.>
4. Resident Evil in general >.> Jill Valentine. But she’s ded.
5. Harry Potter Hermione. I don’t gots a reason for it :D
6. Silent Hill. Alessa Gillespie
8. Disney Classics *laughs* Lilo & Stitch pls.
9. deviantART Kristehvampire & Slayterwesker
10. Youtube SHADOWLEGGY! <33

To make it interesting, most of the answers are around my blog :D

<3 Marc/Zal *laughs like Sae*

November 23, 2008

YAAAAY. First, there was Loituma. Then, there was the Caramelldansen, THEN, there was the PAFFENDORF!

Credits to Kristehvampire, my idol for this AWESOME Paffendorf a la Resident Evil Style <3

November 21, 2008

Good mornin’ ya’ll. Surprising for me to be up so early eh? Wow, waking up early DOES makes me sound British. Anyway, I finally woke up at 8 am today. And I slept at 3 am. ROFLMAO 5 hours of sleep. My sister is reaching Singapore tonight. :D At 1 am lulz.

Since I woke up early this morning, I decided that I should cook breakfats- I mean breakfast. But it DID had alot of fats XD Bacon, Eggs and toast. Sounds good right now, even though I just ate.

WTF == I just saw Jake Long on TV dancing in his underwear. Like WTFLOL. Haha.

Anyway, here’s the normal aka the canon ending for Fatal Frame 2, a Survival Horror game I’m currently in to. Stick around at the end of the credits for a small scene at Mio and Mayu’s lake.

There are other endings which I will post up later. Anyway, its sad, right? :(

Quiz koped from Anne’s archives.

Name 5 people you can think of right off the top your head.Don’t read the questions underneath untill you write the names of all 5 people.this is alot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first…NO CHEATING!

1. Jolynne
2. Glenn
3. Pin Yi
4. Joanne
5. Veronica


1. how did you meet 1?
BBG, through Anne. :o

2. on a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your friendship with 1?
We agree that Anne = Her Peskiness. So uh, 8? :D

3. how long have you known 4?
Less than 1 year :O do you know 3?
Ex-Classmate from Qiaonan :D

5. where’s 5?
In hell At home

6. a fact about 1?
.. She’s 15 and I didn’t know it until 2 days ago.

7. who is 4 going out with?
Hannah Montana Dunno.

8. what does 1 do for a living?
Study, not telling me that she’s 15, bullying Anne.

9. would you live with 3?
Wouldn’t mind, I guess.

10. what do you like about 2?
He makes me laugh. >3>

11. do you miss 5?
No. ==

12. would you make out with 4?

13. what’s your opinion of 2?
Funny, self praises alot, random, fun to smack :D

14. what’s your fav memory with 5?
That I caused her to be in trouble

15. what would you do if 1 and 2 are going out?

16. ever had a long conversation with 5?

17. have you ever slept at 2’s house?
No. oO

18. do you hang out with 3 alot?
Used to.

19. who have you known the longest?
5, Veronica. Since Nursery.

20. how often do you talk to 1?
Everyday… I think

21. what about 2?
Daily :O Until he went to Japan. I’m lonely nao :(

22. have you ever thought 3 more than a friend?
I ain’t gay.

23. would you go out for a date with 5?

24. do you dream about 2?
If I could answer this question, I would be very very disturbed. but yeah, I dream ’bout me smacking him continuously

25. what did 4 did to you that you can never forget?

26. what have you done for 1 that the person never forget?
Meet her in real life O_O

27. what’s 3’s hobby?
Scouting. I think

tag 5 people.
1. Pin Yi
2. Jolynne
3. Glenn (do or I’ll murder you twice as hard)
4. Anyone
5. Anyone

<3 Marc/Zal

November 18, 2008

Bored bored bored. Here’s a quiz to entertain you peoples.

Type your first name with your:
1: Fingers
Marc. Easy right. :O

2: Chin
My chin hurts. I dont want to do this. D<

3: One finger, eyes closed
marc (:O I did it)

4: Elbow
m asrc (o.o sounds…. bad)

5: Nose
mnaqretcv WTF

6: Palm
mnkawrec YAY

1: List 4 random things that you have
My bottle :o, this laptop, PILLOWS. PSP.

2: Have you slept in the back of the car?
Who hasn’t?

3: Have you recently dyed you hair/cut it?
Tomorrow. :O Straightening/cut

4: List 4 people you look up to the most.
Jo, Mom, Mr Lee, my form teacher :o and Syaoran, if fictional chars count

5: How many pets do you own as of now
A hamster. x.x

6: Which do you prefer? Black or White?
Black. duh

7: Who is your most played character?
:O My Charmander, Zaleth, in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red

8: Choose one or the other: Being stuck in the island with a friend, or with 5 acquaintances?

9: Name 3 aspects that tell who you are
Damn tall (T.T i hate it) kinda random and always high.

10: If you could have the power, what would it be?
Invisibility and some holy power :o

11: Who was the last person you talked to?

12: Who was the last person you said I love you to
Uh, I forgot x.x Maybe it was Gracia :O

13: Write down the first 5 words that pop into your head
Supercalifragilisticexpiealodocious, air purifier, Sleep, Carbon monoxide. x.x and SMACKGlenn <- counted as one word

14: What’s the one thing you wish you could do better?
At being a person. I’m too weird for my own good.

15: Do you like the way you are
No. Obviously. (SULG.) -.-

16: Choose, Summer or Winter

17: Rain or Snow?
Rain! The last time I played in the rain was with Fion and Bryan and I miss it!

18: Water or Ice?
Ice. Do I need a reason?

19: List 2 odd things about yourself
1. I continously spam ‘I <3 You' to different random people on my MSN each day.
2. I’m weird. :D

20: Which are your 2 bad habits
1. Uh, has bad mornin’ breath
2. Gets pissed off either WAYYY to easily or WAYYYYY to slow

21: Now list 6 people who should do this quiz

<3 Marc/Zal

November 17, 2008


funny pictures of cats with captions
more lolcats

<3 Marc/Zal

November 16, 2008

:D I started playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team on my GBA Emulator, and I love it.
Here are some screeshots. :D
Oh, and Glenn, have fun during your trip to Japan! :D

<3 Marc/Zal

November 16, 2008

I have nothing to write about today. So I’ll present a Cardcaptor Sakura episode! :D

Watch cardcaptor sakura- 25 in Animation  |  View More Free Videos Online at


The lovely girl, Anne, asked me to post a picture of my desktop. So uh, here it is: